Upper Clydesdale

From its source in The Lowther Hills to the sea the River Clyde runs through 109 miles in three distinct areas: Clydesdale, The Clyde Valley and ‘Clydeside’. This volume (1999) deals with first of these. Moving from prehistoric and Roman through medieval and Covenanting to industrial and modern times, the book offers an account of the history and times of Upper Clydesdale. Figures encountered in the text include Sir William Wallace, the Black Douglases, Robert Burns, Lord Braxfield, Gladstone, and Hugh MacDiarmid, with events along the way such as gold mining, Scotland’s first lending library, and the world’s first successful steam boat. This is one for the glove compartment. There is so much to enjoy on our doorstep. 247 pages with illustrations, map and portraits. Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1862320574

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