How Mumbo-Jumbo conquered the world by Francis Wheen

Anyone out there pretty much wedded to Enlightenment ideals? I hope so. Sadly, in recent decades these have come under attack from a whole slew of irrationalisms. Cults, quackery, gurus, hysterical panics, moral confusion and an epidemic of mumbo-jumbo, pre-modernists and post-modernists, medieval theocrats and New Age mystics. They’re all here trying to drag us back

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The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington

This is a hugely controversial thesis (1996) from Samuel P. Huntington. ( His argument is that the fundamental source of conflict in the future will not primarily be ideological or economic but rather cultural. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future, he contends. Every fresh news story, particularly to do with

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The Illusion of Conscious Will

Nothing is more natural than to believe we have conscious control over our choices. Indeed most of social behaviour including the criminal justice system is predicated on that conviction. Harvard professor of psychology Daniel Wegner (d.2013 and argues that our actions ‘happen to us’ rather than us being in control of them. Wegner is no

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