EGGHEAD CHOICE – Crack open for a hard boiled think

Crack open for a hard boiled think

Adventures of Ideas by Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead ( was one of the most brilliant minds of his age. In Adventures of Ideas (1933) he offers the most accessible statement of his conception of  ‘process philosophy’  ( In a nutshell this challenges over 2000 years of popular philosophical assumptions. Namely, he rejects those philosophies that value static notions of being over […]

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Freethinkers by Susan Jacoby

A noted author of several books as well as articles in such publications as The Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsday, and Vogue, Susan Jacoby  ( attempts to set the record straight by demonstrating just what sort of role both individual freethinkers as well as more general movements and groups have had on significant

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Supersizing the Mind by Andy Clark

Andy Clark (, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Edinburgh argues for the position of the Extended Mind ( and In its crudest form the contention here is that our minds are not something confined to what’s going on inside our skulls. As Clark says.. “certain forms of human cognizing include inextricable tangles of feedback,

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Winston Churchill’s Afternoon Nap by Jeremy Campbell

The philosophy of time ( is one of the most deeply perplexing subjects of all. In this exploration of the nature of human time the author explains the surprising ways in which our minds and bodies keep track of time, and how our sense of time is linked to our sense of self. Our lives are

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God’s Funeral by A.N. Wilson

Andrew (‘A.N.’) Wilson ( and offered us, in 1999, this study in the decline of religious certainties. The book focuses on artists and intellectuals and covers Gibbon, Hume, Kant, Marx, Garibaldi, Bentham, George Eliot, Lenin, Tennyson, Carlyle, Darwin, Huxley, Shaw, Hardy, Hegel and Freud among others. Very good on the devastating sense of emotional loss that

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How Mumbo-Jumbo conquered the world by Francis Wheen

Anyone out there pretty much wedded to Enlightenment ideals? I hope so. Sadly, in recent decades these have come under attack from a whole slew of irrationalisms. Cults, quackery, gurus, hysterical panics, moral confusion and an epidemic of mumbo-jumbo, pre-modernists and post-modernists, medieval theocrats and New Age mystics. They’re all here trying to drag us back

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The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington

This is a hugely controversial thesis (1996) from Samuel P. Huntington. ( His argument is that the fundamental source of conflict in the future will not primarily be ideological or economic but rather cultural. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future, he contends. Every fresh news story, particularly to do with

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