EGGHEAD CHOICE – Crack open for a hard boiled think

Crack open for a hard boiled think

Consciousness and the Brain by Stanislas Dahaene

Neuroscience and discussions about the brain and consciousness are powering ahead at a fomidable pace. It’s hard to keep up without being involved full time in the research. Here, though, is a book from 2014 which will take you to the cutting edge. Stanislas Dehaene ( and|m=#course|) describes the pioneering work his lab and the labs

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Six Existentialist Thinkers by Harold Blackham

Existentialism ( was fashionable in the 1960s. Much of this is to do with the fact that its ideas were presented and consumed in theatre, literature, and popular culture. It insists that thinking begins with the human subject—not as a disembodied exercise in reason, but the acting, feeling, living human being. This chimed with the zeitgeist, and

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Once Upon a Time by Marina Warner

Distinguished academic Marina Warner ( and offers a short history and analysis of the fairy tale. I was alerted to this by the Guardian review ( which turned out to be a splendid summary. What is a fairy tale? Where do they come from and what do they mean? What do they try and communicate to us

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