The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy

Travelling for a story in Mongolia when five months pregnant, journalist Ariel Levy ( gave birth to her son alone on the floor of her hotel room, shortly after which, he died. This traumatic tragedy damaged the writer in ways which are described in ‘The Rules Do Not Apply’.  This memoir is a fast paced account of her life.

Levy tells of her successful career in journalism, her same sex marriage to Lucy, her pregnancy by an understanding friend, her infidelity and Lucy’s alcoholism. Having believed she could ‘have it all’, Levy relates how her path to the perfect dream of a life was strewn with stumbling blocks. The normal rule that most of us will encounter suffering and disappointment did, in fact, apply to her as well.

Read this candid and clear eyed account of one modern American life. Check if this journalist’s memoir is in stock at your local library. Consult the online catalogue at Home | South Lanarkshire Libraries (

224 pages in Fleet

First published 2017

ISBN  978-0349005294

Ariel Levy